Halo’s ultrasound systems and probes are designed to help clinicians address a range of pelvic floor applications.
Anal Fistula
Anal Fistulas are one of the most common disorders of the anorectal canal. Evaluation of the fistula in ano using pelvic floor ultrasound helps ensure successful surgical planning.
Benign & Malignant Disease and Rectal Cancer Staging
Transrectal ultrasound is useful in early rectal cancer staging as well as in determining benign & malignant disease states. Treatment options can be managed on the same day as the exam.
Defecation Disorders & Fecal Incontinence
Defection Disorders & Fecal Incontinence have a profound impact on a person’s life. Endoanal ultrasound is the gold standard for sphincter evaluation in fecal incontinent patients.
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction & Dynamic Ultrasound/Biofeedback
Transperineal and endovaginal ultrasound can be used to evaluate pelvic floor dysfunction and as a dynamic biofeedback instrument for pelvic floor re-education.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse & Levator Ani Muscles
Levator Ani muscle injury occurs in 3 of 10 vaginal deliveries, often resulting in pelvic organ prolapse and/or incontinence.
Vaginal Mesh Detection & Surgical Planning
Transperineal and Endovaginal ultrasound is useful in vaginal mesh detection and surgical planning for mesh placement or removal. Ultrasound images can rule mesh complications in or out.