Endoanal ultrasonography in establishing the diagnosis of fecal incontinence
The aim of this article is to review the possibilities of using endoanal ultrasound in the evaluation of fecal incontinence.
The aim of this article is to review the possibilities of using endoanal ultrasound in the evaluation of fecal incontinence.
Surgeons and other physicians must consistently recognize when a patient has mid-to-low RC and should perform local RC staging for these cases. This includes pelvic MRI or endorectal ultrasound (ERUS), from which the clinical T-stage and N-stage are derived for treatment decision-making.
Transrectal ultrasound is useful in early rectal cancer staging as well as in determining benign & malignant disease states. Treatment options can be managed on the same day as the exam.
The Catalyst L Ultrasound System is designed for users whose requirements are simpler and/or for those with budget restraints. Special orders only.
The Catalyst XL Compact Ultrasound System is designed for exam environments tight on space and includes an integrated all-in-one PC.
Halo’s Transrectal Ultrasound Probe with 2D & 3D capabilities is ideal for colon & rectal specialists.
Halo’s Transrectal Ultrasound 2D Probe with water pathway is ideal for colon & rectal specialists.
The Catalyst XL Conventional Ultrasound System is designed for high volume exam environments and includes integrated probe holders and a large workspace.
Halo Medical Technologies was established by pelvic floor experts to bring thoughtful design to ultrasound technology. Learn more about us.
The Atlas of Images is the only publicly available library of pelvic floor imagery.
Resources for Halo customers, including brochures, ROI Calculator, coding information, patient questionnaires, and technical support.
A curated list of clinical publications that serve as an educational resource for pelvic floor practitioners.
Instructions for Use (IFU), CPT Coding, and downloads for Halo’s Ultrasound Systems, Probes, and Accessories.
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